Precision Engineered Replicas started out as C Bar Farm Toys in 2016. At the beginning of 2020, we changed our name to Precision Engineered Replicas because our products are designed by a practicing engineer. They are modeled exactly to 64th scale with minor adjustments to allow for printing.
PER started out 3D modeling 64th scale ag equipment accessories as well as customizing ag equipment and trucks. As time progressed we moved away from customizing toys and now focus only on 3D modeling and printing 64th scale ag equipment and trucks.
In 2018 we completed the incorporation process to be able to sell the DewEze pickups that were run by Harper Industries and SpecCast. PER was directly involved in the process of getting these produced because the founder of PER was the liaison between Harper Industries, SpecCast, and the farm toy market.
There are more products and scales of products to come in our line up, so come back regularly to see our expanded line of offerings.